Frida Kahlo and Emmy Lou Packard

Emmy Lou Packard was a Californian post-war artist known for painting, printmaking and murals. She had a passion for the cause of social justice and peace. She was born on April 15, 1914 near El Centro, California, to parents Emma and Walter Packard. Her father founded an agricultural cooperative community in the Imperial Valley and was an internationally known agronomist.

In 1927, the Packard family traveled to Mexico for Walter’s consulting job with the Mexican government working on agrarian and land settlement reform issues. Emmy was 13 years old during this trip and a very active artist; her mother introduced her to artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, and this was the beginning of a long friendship and mentorship.


Frida Kahlo by Emmy Lou Packard, Mexico, 1941 via


Frida Kahlo and Emmy Lou Packard via

 frida and Emmy lou packard _ Rick Tejada Flores

Frida Kahlo and Emy Lou Packard by Diego Rivera via