Parisian Showgirl Minstinguett´s Remarkable Headwear

Jeanne Bourgeois (1875-1956) made her debut as Mistinguett at the Casino de Paris in 1895 and went on to appear in venues such as the Folies Bergère, Moulin Rouge and Eldorado.

Her risqué routines captivated Paris, and she went on to become the most popular French entertainer of her time and the highest paid female entertainer in the world, known for her flamboyance and a zest for the theatrical. In 1919 her legs were insured for 500,000 francs.


Mistinguett by Lucien Waléry, 1920s via


Mistinguett, 1920s via


Mistinguett by Lucien Waléry, early 1920s via


Mistinguett by Lucien Waléry, ca. 1925 via

Feathery Mistinguett

Mistinguett, ca. 1930 via


Mistinguett by Paul Stone Raymor, 1920s  via


Mistinguett by Paul Stone Raymor, 1920s  via