Vintage Photos of Jazz Age Trio “The Brox Sisters”

The Brox Sisters were an American trio of singing sisters, enjoying their greatest popularity in the 1920s and early 1930s. The sisters were: Lorayne (born Eunice 1901 – 1993) Bobbe (born Josephine Brock 1902 – 1999) & Patricia (born Kathleen 1904 – 1988).

The family name “Brock” was changed to “Brox” for theater marquees. The trio grew up in Tennessee and retained Southern accents during their performing careers.

They began in the 1910s touring the Vaudeville circuit in the United States and Canada. At the start of the 1920s they achieved success in New York on the Broadway stage. Near the end of the decade they relocated to Los Angeles.

The act broke up in the early 1930s after the sisters got married. They made their final professional reunion appearance on radio in 1939.


The Brox Sisters © 2016 James Abbe Archive via


Darby and Brox sisters via


The Brox Sisters, 1923  via


The Brox Sisters and the Rhythm Boys in King of Jazz, 1930 via