Vintage Photos of Ziegfeld Follies Girls

The Ziegfeld Follies were a series of elaborate theatrical productions on Broadway in New York City from 1907 through 1931. It was founded by Florenz Ziegfeld and his wife Anna Held in 1907  – the inspiration was the Parisian Folies Bergère.

The Ziegfeld Follies were also famous for many beautiful chorus girls commonly known as Ziegfeld girls, usually wearing elaborate costumes by designers such as Erté, Lady Duff Gordon or Ben Ali Haggin.

Ziegfeld girl, Marion Benda c. 1920’s via

Ziegfeld Model by Alfred Cheney Johnston via

Jean Ackerman, Jeanne Audree, Myrna Darby and Evelyn Groves by Alfred Cheney Johnston, ca. 1927 via

Lilyan Tashman performing in Ziegfeld follies via

Ziegfeld Follies by Alfred Cheney Johnston via

Ziegfeld Girl Mary Eaton by Alfred Cheney Johnston via 

Marion Davies, Ziegfeld girl, by Alfred Cheney Johnston, 1924 via


Ziegfeld Follies via


Ziegfeld Follies via

Barbara Dean, Ziegfeld Follies via